Events Management Software | University of South Alabama-十大彩票网投平台
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Events Management Software

Bell Tower Dedication

How did we get here?

In 2016, our events management software system (EMS) became the University’s response to feedback requesting better coordination of campus-wide activities. When asked about the previous state of on-campus events and scheduling, the USA community shared these insights:

  • Who should I contact when booking a campus facility
  • What facilities are available for booking on campus
  • Need a centralized events calendar to view USA’s events
  • There are often competing  and/or conflicting events which result in lower attendance for certain events
  • Some events are promoted more heavily than others
  • The University is often overcommitted, creating on-campus parking challenges
  • It is difficult to share with the Mobile community at-large a reliable source where they can learn more about USA events

Thanks to the feedback we received and to better coordinate the University’s activities, we launched EMS, a Master Special Events Calendar, and the Office of Special Events.