Meet Our Team

Deidra Byas
Title IX Coordinator
Athletics Annex, 6001 USA South Drive, Suite 50
As the Title IX Coordinator, Ms. Byas oversees monitoring of the University's policy in relation to Title IX law developments; implementation of grievance procedures, including notification, investigation, and disposition of complaints; provision of educational materials and training for the campus community; conducting and/or coordinating investigations of complaints received pursuant to Title IX; ensuring a fair and neutral process for all parties; and monitoring all other aspects of the University's Title IX compliance related to sexual misconduct.

Djuana Adams
Title IX Investigator
Athletics Annex, 6001 USA South Drive, Suite 50
(251) 461-1991

Julia A. Kristman, M.A.
Title IX Specialist
Athletics Annex, 6001 USA South Drive, Suite 50
(251) 461-1892
Kali Andrews
Title IX Graduate Assistant
Athletics Annex, 6001 USA
South Drive, Suite 50
(251) 380-2623
Deputy Title IX Coordinators
The University has designated the following individuals as Deputy Title IX Coordinators. Deputy Title IX Coordinators are available to receive inquiries regarding Title IX, including complaints of sexual misconduct, when the Title IX Coordinator is unavailable. Deputy Title IX Coordinators are also available if a person is more comfortable engaging with one of the Deputies, or if the Title IX Coordinator has a conflict of interest. The names and contact information for the Deputy Title IX Coordinators are provided below:

Dr. Michael Mitchell
Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Students
Student Center, Room 245
(251) 460-6172

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Academic Affairs
Dr. Shelley L. Holden
Professor in Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Sport
HKS 1006.
(251) 460-7131

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Athletics
Jinni Frisbey
Senior Associate Athletic Director/Student Enrichment/Senior Woman Administrator
Football Fieldhouse, Room 153
(251) 445-9511

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for Administrators, Non-Faculty Employees, Contractors,
and Third-Parties/Others
Yamayra Betler
TRP Building III, Suite 2200
(251) 460-6641

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the College of Medicine and USA Health Faculty & Staff
Dr. Franklin Trimm, Assistant Vice President for Medical Affairs and Associate Dean
Frederick P. Whiddon College of Medicine
(251) 341-4073

Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the College of Nursing
Dr. Rebecca J. Graves, Assistant Professor
Director of Special Projects and Evaluation
Health Sciences Building 4083
(251) 445-9437
A person may also file a complaint of sexual misconduct with the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights regarding an alleged violation of Title IX by visiting or by calling 1-800-421-3481.