Forwarding is permitted on student email accounts, but is disabled on employee email accounts.
The University cannot guarantee that all messages sent to your University JagMail account will be successfully forwarded to an external address. We therefore recommend using forwarding for convenience only, and periodically checking your University account so as not to miss items.
We would suggest you consider making JagMail your "anchor" account, but if you want to forward your mail to another personal account, it's easy to setup. Log into your new JagMail account, click on the gear box in the upper right corner, and select "Mail Settings". You'll see an option for "Forwarding and IMAP/POP". Instructions are provided.
Here is a list of file types you cannot send or receive?
"ade", "adp", "bat", "chm", "cmd", "com", "cpl", "dll", "exe", "hta", "ins", "isp", "jse", "lib", "mde", "msc", "msp", "mst", "pif", "scr", "sct", "shb", "sys", "vb", "vbe", "vbs", "vxd", "wsc", "wsf", "wsh"
For additional information regarding Synchronization issues with Google Apps Sync, see: http://support.google.com/a/answer/163644?hl=en .
Using JagMail
Yes, the following email clients have been tested and are compatible with JagMail: Microsoft Outlook, Thunderbird, MacMail. Most IMAP or POP3 email clients can read JagMail. For instructions on using email clients, select one of the links below:
Using JagMail Web View
Yes, a signature can be configured and will be appended to all out-going messages. To set up a signature:
- Click on the gear icon (located in the upper right corner of your inbox … the tooltip will say Settings when you hover over it).
- Select Settings from the dropdown.
- Scroll to Signature block on the General Tab. Add the desired information for your signature using basic HTML formatting. If you want your signature to appear immediately below your response in a reply or forwarded message, be sure to check the box for “Insert this signature before quoted text in replies ….”
- Save Changes. While you are there, click the link that reads Learn More.
Using Outlook
Adjust account properties for the IMAP account.
- Select the IMAP account in your navigation pane and right click
- Select Account Properties
- Account Settings
- Select the IMAP account from the account list and click Change on the toolbar located above the list of accounts
- Click More Settings button in the right corner of the dialogue box
- Select Sent Items tab
- Select option, Save sent items to server and select Sent mail folder
- Then follow prompts to Next, Close, and Finish
- Finally Close the dialogue box
You can easily locate an email address for an individual whose address is listed in the Global Address book or in any of your personal address books. Type the first or last name of the desired individual(s) in the address field and click Check Names located in the Names Group on the Message tab. Select the appropriate address from the list of displayed.
For additional information regarding Synchronization issues with Google Apps Sync, see: http://support.google.com/a/answer/163644?hl=en
For additional information regarding Synchronization issues with Google Apps Sync, see: http://support.google.com/a/answer/163644?hl=en
Contact Groups
SmartDevice Access
For information on iPad and iPhone connectivity select a link from the choices below based on your desired access of contacts and calendars:
- If you just want to have access to your personal JagMail email and calendar and plan to use personal contacts stored on your iPhone/iPad, you can use the Gmail account type. Most students will wish to use this. http://58pt.images-collector.com/services/jagnet/resources/ConfiguringiPhoneGmailAccountType.pdf
- If you want access to shared calendars, your JagMail contacts including the University employee global address book, select the Microsoft Exchange account type. Most university employees will wish to use this. http://58pt.images-collector.com/services/jagnet/resources/ConfiguringiPhoneMicrosoftExchangeAccountType.pdf